It looks like I took quite a vacation from updating. Here’s a quick summary of what’s been going on.
1. Renée turned one. We had a party.
2. Tam and Dan visited. Joseph made them ride “trains” a lot.
3. We went on a short vacation and spent a lot of time at the beach.
4. We tried potty training again. It went just about as well as last time.
5. Tony and I spent (and continue to spend) countless hours trying to
convince our children that they do not really want to play with the same toy. This is how it goes:
Child #1 is playing
Child #2 tries to play also
Child #1 does not want to share and starts screaming
Parent tries to find another activity for Child #2
Child #2 likes the new game
Child #1 also wants to play the new game
Go back to step one
We work on sharing, too. But the outcome is usually pretty much the same. I'll post some pictures next time.
1. Renée turned one. We had a party.
2. Tam and Dan visited. Joseph made them ride “trains” a lot.
3. We went on a short vacation and spent a lot of time at the beach.
4. We tried potty training again. It went just about as well as last time.
5. Tony and I spent (and continue to spend) countless hours trying to
convince our children that they do not really want to play with the same toy. This is how it goes:
Child #1 is playing
Child #2 tries to play also
Child #1 does not want to share and starts screaming
Parent tries to find another activity for Child #2
Child #2 likes the new game
Child #1 also wants to play the new game
Go back to step one
We work on sharing, too. But the outcome is usually pretty much the same. I'll post some pictures next time.