What is all of this, you might wonder. Well, this is us in the middle of switching our house around. We now have two kids in one room. The room is upstairs by ours. And for all of you disbelievers, you nay-sayers, you skeptics, this is the part where I prove you wrong. This is where I'm supposed to say, "The room sharing of two horribly sleeping children worked. It literally turned our lives around!" I'm supposed to say it. But I can't. At least we don't have to go up and down the stairs ten times each night. And honestly, it couldn't have gotten any worse than it already was.
And! The kids got a playroom. This is how it turned out.
Not too bad. (Sorry about the lighting in the pictures, but you get the idea.) All I need is about $200 of shelving, and the room will be perfect. Of course I can't justify spending that. Not after this:
If you're not sure what that is, it's our maple tree in our back yard. Or it was. I have no idea how it happened, but it split down the middle and almost fell on our house. I really, really, really liked that tree. It is going to set us back $500 to put it out of its misery. So much for the shelves.